Elliott Wymer 07703 358660
Professional Cambridge Based Racket Stringer

Tips on Avoiding Tennis Elbow

by | Apr 8, 2024

If you are suffering from minor tennis elbow, there are a few things you can do that might help:

  1. Restring your racket with softer string
  2. Restring your racket with a lower tension
  3. Increase the size of the grip on your handle, by adding over grips
  4. Place a dampener in the strings to absorb more of the vibration from the impact of the ball
  5. Grip the racket with less pressure
  6. Change your racket. It might be too heavy or too head heavy
  7. Renew your grip if your current one is old and slipping

I am more than happy to give advice on how to alleviate light pain. If you are suffering from severe pain you should talk to a physiotherapist. Always feel free to contact me or approach me at the club.